You always wanted more information about our wool? Then you should definitely read this.
I would like to explain to you where our wool comes from, why I have chosen natural wool and what I have paid attention to here. First of all: If you have certain questions that I don't answer here, you can always write me. One of my concerns is to make Knitloop as transparent as possible for you and for that I need to know what interests and concerns you.
All in all, it is not easy to find suitable wool for an online wool store that is high quality, sustainable, environmentally friendly and comes from happy animals. Anyone who tries to pay attention to sustainability and eco-friendliness knows what I'm talking about.
When you open a wool store, you (clearly) need wool. Now you can't order containers full of wool from the start, even if you'd like to. That's why I was lucky enough to find a really great middleman who supplies me with Knitloop wool and has the same wool requirements as I do. The middleman has been selling pure natural fibers for 35 years and pays special attention to animal husbandry.
Personally, it was important to me to work with people who also do their 'business' with heart and soul and these are the people I came across. The middleman here in Germany receives the Knitloop raw wool from the Peruvian Andes. There the sheep and alpacas can move almost completely free.
They have been working with this Peruvian trader for 35 years and are in personal contact. Thus, they were able to see for themselves on site the circumstances of animal husbandry, further processing of the wool and the trader. Regular detailed agreements are made regarding health risks and the avoidance of sprays or pesticides to ensure the ecological aspects of cultivation and production.
The raw wool from Peru is completely untreated and free of finishes and harmful substances. The wool is dyed and wound here in Germany, of course with consideration for the ecological aspects.
I chose natural fibers because I personally do not work much with polyester and simply prefer my handmade piece to have a high quality. Of course, everyone must decide that for themselves and handle it as they themselves would like - live and let live.
My goal was to offer similar wool, which you can also get from very large companies, as cheaply as I can without sacrificing quality. By the way, this is also the reason why I can't do a discount campaign every week. I often hear that sheep's wool quickly tears and scratches. I have explicitly made sure that Knitloop wool is higher quality in this regard and I am very happy with the quality and price.
I have not yet been able to fly to Peru (unfortunately). But that is definitely on my to-do list for the next time and when it is so far, I report of course in detail about it.
I hope you enjoyed the insight and if there are any questions, as already written above, you are welcome to ask me.
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I wish you all the love,